Friday, May 1, 2020

Data Needs and Gaps

Questions: Closed-ended questions What is your gender? How long or how many years are you related with this organization? From which age group do you belong? Have you ever met a near miss in health care facility provision? How many times you have met a near miss in healthcare? Have you reported your near misses or errors? Is lack of knowledge factor contributing to the near misses? Do you think immediate reporting is important? Have you ever met a severe consequence of patient after a near miss in health care? Should there be a person to blame if near miss is reported?Open-ended Questions What is your age, gender and tenure of experience in health care settings? Do you have experience of near misses in health care settings? If yes, give a brief description. What is your point of view regarding reporting of near misses in health care settings? Have you ever gone through a situation when an unreported near miss led to serious health issue? How did you handle the situation? What factors in the he alth care settings of nursing are contributing to these kinds of behavior of not reporting? Do you know how important the reporting or documentation for these phenomenon are? From personal viewpoint, what are the specific needs for reducing these kinds of mistakes in health care settings? Can you suggest a reporting system or quality control check point which can help to reduce medical errors and influence reporting near misses? o you think incorporation of reporting system will enhance patient outcomes? Answers: Data Needs and Gaps Introduction The topic of the needs assessment study includes educating the importance of near misses or errors in a healthcare facility. The study has considered Registered nurses (RN) and Licensed practical nurses (LPN) as the target population for the study. This section of the study will focus on analyzing the gaps in data existing within the selected organization i.e. Baxter International, which might hinder the overall conductance of the study. Identification of the Gaps There are certain key gaps that is prevalent within the operations of Baxter International. One of the major gap relevant to data include the gap between the nurses and the patients and the health care unit (Strub, 2010). Errors mainly deem to occur in healthcare unit when there is a gap between assessment approaches of the nurses in context to the health issues of the patients. Another vital gap that has been identified in this context include lack of identification of the health issues of the patients in advance. In order to deal with or eliminate the near misses and error, RN should have the consensus to identify the health issues of the patients well in advance to deal with the same positively without any error (Crane et. al. 2015). There has been a lack of proper training for the RN within the selected health care units which is also can be seen as a potential issues of data gap. Furthermore, the management of the healthcare unit also lacks in terms of management of the informa tion relating to errors and near misses for using the same as future references to eliminate the issues (Baxter, 2016). There has been a large number of preventable error that has been highlighted as a part of new policy of the healthcare authorities. As per the analysis conducted within the selected healthcare unit i.e. Baxter International, there has also been a lack of monitoring from the management of the organization towards dealing with the problems of near misses and errors (Wolf Hughes, 2010). Proper monitoring of the approach of the nurses and healthcare professionals is vital as per the new policies of Medicare system to deal with the errors within the healthcare workplace. Owing this particular inability of the management of Baxter International, it becomes quite challenging for the unit to eliminate the preventable errors from the workplace (Manaq, 2011). As per the norms of Medicare system the preventable errors and close miss should not be ignored and hence Baxter Int ernational should also move positively in this regard. Identification of the Solutions There are certain solutions that can be developed in order to deal with the data gaps identified in the above section of the study. Notably, proper data management would one of the key attribute of managing errors and near misses within the healthcare workplace. When the management of the companies are able to record such incidents of errors and near misses, it would help in improving the same with proper training and development of the RNs. In this context, proper training and development can be regarded as a potential approach or solution at large. Another vital solution to deal with the identified issues include reediness of the nurses in their practices. This can be promoted through effective orientation program within the workplace of the selected healthcare organization (Pharmacol, 2009). The solutions that can be regarded as efficient in this context will include proper monitoring of the approaches of the RNs and Licensed practical nurses (LPN). Nursing practices for the RNs a nd LPNs will need to be able to get proper training for dealing with the errors and near misses involved with their work approach within the workplace. Teamwork will also be one of the solution that can be considered by the nurses within the operations of Baxter International. Teamwork can ensure that the nurses are able to work efficiently while dealing with the health issues of patients and work as a group to eliminate the all the unwanted errors. In this regard, the management of the healthcare organization needs to place close supervision upon the activities of the nurses while dealing with the patient. Hence, it can be seen that these solutions might work effectively towards eliminating the errors and close misses within the workplace (Pharmacol, 2009). Conclusion From the overall analysis, it can be concluded that eliminating close misses and errors within the workplace of healthcare organization can further work towards enhancing the prospect of patient care. This can also help in enhancing the operational quality of the healthcare organization. In this regard, both need gaps and the subsequent solutions relevant to the operations of Baxter International has been considered in this study. References Baxter. (2016). Sustainability. Retrieved from Crane, S. et. al. (2015). Reporting and Using Near-miss Events to Improve Patient Safety in Diverse Primary Care Practices: A Collaborative Approach to Learning from Our Mistakes. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 28 (4): 452-460. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2015.04.140050. Manaq, J. N. (2011). Nurses' perceptions of medication errors and their contributing factors in South Korea. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 19 (3):346-53. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2011.01249.x. Pharmacol, J. C. (2009). Medication errors: Emerging solutions. British Pharmacological Society, 67 (6): 589-591, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2009.03420.x. Strub, W. (2010). Near Miss Reporting: An Educational Program. Retrieved from Wolf, Z. R. Hughes, R. G. (2010). Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Retrieved from

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