Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Short Easay 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Short Easay 3 - Essay Example HITDA – High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area is a criminal justice organization which works because of regular inputs from local, state and federal agencies. For a smooth functioning of HITDA it is very necessary that these different agencies cooperate with each other and that there is no conflict. The seeds of latent conflict are removed by formulation of a clear operational strategy by an executive board where each government agency has an equal representation. This reduces the instances of conflict as the director of HITDA focus on conflict management and resolution. Despite massive efforts in the field of conflict management, experts believe that conflict in criminal justice organization is a normal process and eliminating it is both unrealistic and counterproductive to the long term health of the organization. This is because a conflict can be a healing process where many issues are raised and solved where as in a no conflict scenario there can be a blind surrender to rules which can harm the human side of the organization. Most of the organizations want conformity over a long-tem period for this purpose they use different kinds of power. But none of these methods is the best when dealing with organizations. The appropriateness of the type of power depends upon the situation. For example, employing coercive method compliance among rank-and-file officers usually through strict rules and regulations is not satisfactory because the officers are averse to such strategies. Similarly legitimate, expert and charismatic power can lead to a situation of greater employee acceptance. While, coercive and reward base may lead to a dysfunctional effect. Hence, there is no one particular type of power that is

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