Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Short Easay 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Short Easay 3 - Essay Example HITDA – High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area is a criminal justice organization which works because of regular inputs from local, state and federal agencies. For a smooth functioning of HITDA it is very necessary that these different agencies cooperate with each other and that there is no conflict. The seeds of latent conflict are removed by formulation of a clear operational strategy by an executive board where each government agency has an equal representation. This reduces the instances of conflict as the director of HITDA focus on conflict management and resolution. Despite massive efforts in the field of conflict management, experts believe that conflict in criminal justice organization is a normal process and eliminating it is both unrealistic and counterproductive to the long term health of the organization. This is because a conflict can be a healing process where many issues are raised and solved where as in a no conflict scenario there can be a blind surrender to rules which can harm the human side of the organization. Most of the organizations want conformity over a long-tem period for this purpose they use different kinds of power. But none of these methods is the best when dealing with organizations. The appropriateness of the type of power depends upon the situation. For example, employing coercive method compliance among rank-and-file officers usually through strict rules and regulations is not satisfactory because the officers are averse to such strategies. Similarly legitimate, expert and charismatic power can lead to a situation of greater employee acceptance. While, coercive and reward base may lead to a dysfunctional effect. Hence, there is no one particular type of power that is

Monday, February 3, 2020

Identity theft Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Identity theft - Research Paper Example Identity theft involves the use of another individual’s personal information in order to gain access to financial or other information that would serve to benefit the criminal in some way. Identity theft has become an increasing problem globally in recent years, causing millions of people undue emotional, psychological, and physical trauma. In addition to this, the issue has cost society quite a lot of money. The heartache caused has limited access to critical services and denied credit availability to millions of honest and hardworking citizens around the world, and in particular the United States. It is a serious issue that needs to be tackled immediately before spiraling even further out of control. The aim of this study is to discuss the seriousness of the problem and to explore various ways that society can begin to protect itself from the evils of identity theft moving forward. Problem Statement The problem is that identity theft is destroying the financial security and freedom of countless individuals worldwide. As honest people have their identities stole, they are subject to a potential loss of credit access, have difficulty in gaining employment, and they may encounter problems of various sorts with law authorities. Upon becoming a victim, individuals must often hard to prove that their identity was stolen in the first place, often causing a great deal of anguish throughout the process. Governments and other officials across the globe are currently implementing measure to prevent identity theft, but the problem continues to grow exponentially (Adomi & Igun, 2008). The five major types of identity theft in existence today, and that form the basis for this study, are: 1) Criminal identity theft, 2) Financial identity theft, 3) Identity cloning, 4) Medical identity theft, and 5) Child identity theft. This study examines each of these areas in an effort to help the reader understand the warning signs of identity theft and assists them in the avoida nce of becoming a victim themselves in the future. Relevance and Significance of Understanding Identity Theft As has been discussed to this point, identity theft is a serious issue that must be tackled across all segments of society. It affects nearly everyone in our culture, either directly or indirectly. Even if a person is not a victim on their own, they often pay the price for the crime in other ways. An individual who has fallen victim to any of the major types of identity theft often find themselves embroiled in years of turmoil and strife trying to set the record straight. Families can be denied mortgages, criminals set free, and hospital services rendered to people who have no right to the benefits. These are just a few of the ills that can be realized as a result of identity theft. When honest members of society go to utilize certain services, which they are rightfully entitled to, they can quickly that they are denied access because someone else is using their name and per sonal information. It is an unfair burden to be sure, but one which criminal have bought to the forefront of modern reality. For these reasons, it is critical that we understand the issues surrounding how identity theft occurs and how to prevent it moving forward. That reality forms the focus for this study. Criminal Identity Theft Criminal identity theft involves one person committing a criminal act, proceeding to get arrested, and then