Thursday, January 2, 2020

Police Subculture Ethics And Ethics - 3966 Words

Police subculture undermines ethics and has a constant influence on officers’ decision-making process, which ultimately leads to misconduct. Police, like most professions, have a secretive yet unique type subculture because the lifestyles of its members are significantly different. Law enforcement officers tend to befriend other officers or people with similar roles within the criminal justice system. Many times, friendships extend to firefighters and other civil service personnel to include military members. Law enforcement officers are inducted into the police subculture early in their career. As early as the academy, law enforcement recruits begin learning about ethics, rank structure, ethos, and other values. During the academy, recruits are trained on specific tasks tailored to police work from 8 to 16 weeks. They are taught combative skills, marksmanship, defensive driving, and other techniques unique to law enforcement by the academy staff. The academy staff normally co nsists of seasoned officers that usually have military training or backgrounds. In most cases, recruits tend to emulate or try to identify with these officers. The law enforcement community operates and has similarities like the military. They both have some type of basic training. They wear uniforms, have a rank structure, policy and procedures govern their actions, and in most cases have a politician as their commander or chief. Military members make up the largest candidate pool for law enforcementShow MoreRelatedPolice Subculture And Corruption Within Law Enforcement951 Words   |  4 Pagespaper will be discussing police corruption, what it means and reasons it happens. Also exploring the police subculture, what it means, why it exists and if it contributes to corruption by law enforcement. Police subculture and corruption defined. 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