Monday, December 16, 2019

Essay about Dracula vs Van Helsing - 958 Words

Dracula reflects both Bram Stoker’s context and his interest in controversial ideas. Use ‘Dracula’ and ‘Van Helsing’ to demonstrate what concepts and concerns have endured and how they have been represented in both texts. JUSTIN LIANG Dracula ( novel) written by Bram stoker is a text which reflects its English Victorian era context, where gender roles were repressed and science and religion had a conflicting relationship. Van Helsing (Stephen Summers) is a contemporary reproduction which demonstrates the same concepts and concerns that have endured but evolved, and so they have been represented for the modern day audience. The evolution of the concern of Gender roles and the idea of the new woman is very obvious through the†¦show more content†¦She is armed, and ready to hunt the deadliest monsters of Transylvania, something the men in the novel would not dare to do. The gothic convention follows the idea that female protagonist needs constant protection and being rescued by the male is still clearly incorporated in the text. Even though Anna, is depicted as a beautiful and physically strong girl.she still needs protection by others, but the difference between the original convention and the contemporary view is that she is not completely weak but not as strong as the male protagonist, Van Helsing. This reflects the contemporary Van Helsing context. During the Victorian era, The growth in science and technology was dramatic and challenged religious theories. One discovery that is eloquently evinced in the story is Darwin’s theory of Evolution, which reflects the novels context as it was a controversial issue of the era. This theory is thought to be the transformation of populations in the struggle for survival as the ones with the â€Å"best† characteristics will be more likely to survive, and those desirable traits are likely to be passed off to offspring. Early in the novel, as Harker becomes more uncomfortable with his lodgings and his host at castle Dracula, he notes, â€Å"unless my senses deceive me, the old centuries had, and have, powers of their own in which mere modernity cannot kill† Here, Harker states one of the central concerns of the Victorian Era: Supernatural,Show MoreRelatedDracula Archibald Constable And Company 261217 Words   |  5 Pages1) Stoker, Bram. Dracula Archibald Constable and Company 26 May 1897, EBook 2) Copyright Date 1897, Horror fiction/Gothic fiction. This story was written in the 15th Century, during the Victorian time period. The three characteristics it portrays are good and evil, not to judge someone before you know them and man vs. himself 3) Man Vs. 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