Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Effective Workplace Teams - 2927 Words

EFFECTIVE WORKPLACE TEAMS A team is a group of people working as an organisation. Teams can be of varying sizes, working independently or inter-linked within other teams. All work organisations operate more effectively as a team. Each persons role can be treated as individual but ultimately will be more successful when integrated with others. It is imperative that there is good communication between all parties, acceptance of diversity and harmonious unity. Some key elements that make a good team are:- Having a clear and shared vision of growth and development Common goals, strategies and tactics Effective feedback Ongoing evaluation A team is a group of links and within these links there will invariably be a weak link. It is†¦show more content†¦In an ideal world team members come together with a common goal, agree a plan of action, iron out their differences and get on with the job in hand. A crisis is dealt with, all the disparate elements come together, and even if the solution isnt found till the eleventh hour, the deadlines are met and the project is finished. Peoples commitment is inaugural. Of course this doesnt always happen and therefore is the responsibility of the Project Manager to ensure that every effort is in place to ensure a successful outcome. In reality petty squabbles can result in verbal (and in some cases physical) battles, hidden agendas knock things off course, deadlines keep getting pushed back and frustration takes over. The project becomes stagnant and the team struggle to progress. Somewhere along the line theres a lack of commitment, it didnt exist, or more important other unrelated tasks were given priority. Planning a project well is a significant component to success but there is also the issue of, its the people, not the processes that make things happen. Dealing with the people aspect of project management is about accepting the fact that people are not always going to like each other, there will be arguments, there will be disagreement as to the best way forward, butShow MoreRelated Work Environment Paper1015 Words   |  5 PagesEvery workplace is unique in terms of their diversity profile therefore, is it vital for organization to create and execute creative communication methodologies that will enable organizations to develop a community rather than just your average run of the mill work environment. For example, active listening, collective goal setting and consistent training are all examples of tools in which organizations can effectively use to promote and execute effective communication within the workplace. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Essay about Dracula vs Van Helsing - 958 Words

Dracula reflects both Bram Stoker’s context and his interest in controversial ideas. Use ‘Dracula’ and ‘Van Helsing’ to demonstrate what concepts and concerns have endured and how they have been represented in both texts. JUSTIN LIANG Dracula ( novel) written by Bram stoker is a text which reflects its English Victorian era context, where gender roles were repressed and science and religion had a conflicting relationship. Van Helsing (Stephen Summers) is a contemporary reproduction which demonstrates the same concepts and concerns that have endured but evolved, and so they have been represented for the modern day audience. The evolution of the concern of Gender roles and the idea of the new woman is very obvious through the†¦show more content†¦She is armed, and ready to hunt the deadliest monsters of Transylvania, something the men in the novel would not dare to do. The gothic convention follows the idea that female protagonist needs constant protection and being rescued by the male is still clearly incorporated in the text. Even though Anna, is depicted as a beautiful and physically strong girl.she still needs protection by others, but the difference between the original convention and the contemporary view is that she is not completely weak but not as strong as the male protagonist, Van Helsing. This reflects the contemporary Van Helsing context. During the Victorian era, The growth in science and technology was dramatic and challenged religious theories. One discovery that is eloquently evinced in the story is Darwin’s theory of Evolution, which reflects the novels context as it was a controversial issue of the era. This theory is thought to be the transformation of populations in the struggle for survival as the ones with the â€Å"best† characteristics will be more likely to survive, and those desirable traits are likely to be passed off to offspring. Early in the novel, as Harker becomes more uncomfortable with his lodgings and his host at castle Dracula, he notes, â€Å"unless my senses deceive me, the old centuries had, and have, powers of their own in which mere modernity cannot kill† Here, Harker states one of the central concerns of the Victorian Era: Supernatural,Show MoreRelatedDracula Archibald Constable And Company 261217 Words   |  5 Pages1) Stoker, Bram. Dracula Archibald Constable and Company 26 May 1897, EBook 2) Copyright Date 1897, Horror fiction/Gothic fiction. This story was written in the 15th Century, during the Victorian time period. The three characteristics it portrays are good and evil, not to judge someone before you know them and man vs. himself 3) Man Vs. 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According to Duran â€Å"it can be clearly seen the protagonists on the side of good have many endearing qualities while the antagonists on the side of evil have a pact with Lucifer and are of the purest evil† ( Bram Stokers Dracula demonstrates how religion can influenceRead More Victorian Gothic Literature: Scientific vs. Medieval Thinking1751 Words   |  8 PagesVictorian Gothic Literature: Scientific vs. Medieval Thinking      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Creatures of the night have always held a fascination and horror for people in all cultures. The English fascination with sensational and gothic literature came to a peak, after slacking slightly following the Romantic period, in the late Victorian period with such works as Dracula, The Strange Adventures of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and The Picture of Dorian Gray. The literate populace avidly devoured this type of literature

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Operational Management for Finance and Marketing - MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theOperational Management for Finance and Marketing. Answer: Introduction Operational Management is one of the fundamental parts of an organization. It plays an important role in gaining success. This area of management is concerned with creation of goods and services for the company. Operational management is important for all type of business organizations ranging from manufacturing to retailing. Operations include all those activities that are requiring creating and delivering a product or a service from procurement till its distribution. Operational management is one of the parts of three basic functions in an organization (Finance, marketing and operations) (Heizer Barry, 2013). The operational activities go in an organization regardless of the end of a good or service. Operation activities include product creation, development, production and distribution, managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storage, logistics and evaluations of processes. Both manufacturing and service organization requires an efficient operational management (Slack, 2015). Importance of Operational Management Operational management has gained importance in the recent times due to public awareness of Japanese manufacturing units. Many business organizations have now realized the importance of operational management in an organization. In order to compete effectively on the global platform it is necessary to develop an effective operational strategy to support the mission of the organization (Russell Taylor-Iii, 2008). Managing the operations is related to choosing a right process. Running a business process requires a great degree of integration of resources at the right place. Time and cost related to the production is important in managing the resources. The secret of success lies in creating a robust competitive advantage that has its roots in the overall process. The overall process and the use of resources are important for a business organization in creating value. This can only be attained through an efficient operation management. Toyota Motors is known for continuous improvement in the process by delivering right quality automobiles. The company has been giving emphasis on the operation management (Sousa Voss, 2008). Operation management acts as a supplement all other activities in an organization. The research and development in an organization is necessary for developing a product. It is the basic need of the customer that has enough potential to be served. The finance department in an organization is concerned with management of cost and makes forecast about the different cost attached (Fixed, variable and overhead). The human resource department has to recruit the most efficient person with an appropriate set of skills. Similarly, the operational department has to integrate all the function in the organization. They have to make the product according to the given specifications. Operational department has to work according to the given budget by utilizing the best capacity (Krajewski, Ritzman Malhotra, 2013). Objective of Operation Management The two primary objectives of operation management are customer services and resource utilization. The main objective of any company at the end of the day is to have a satisfied customer. The operation management has to make sure that the customers are satisfied. The needs and the demands of the customers need to be satisfied by using the resources efficiently (Hill Hill, 2012). In case if the resources are not been utilized carefully the purpose of the organization will not be met. The resources on the other hand need to be used more efficiently. The overall purpose is to minimize the excess cost that is related to a product. Both the objectives of the organization need to be met more efficiently. These two factors are complementary in nature and benefit the organization in many ways. The primary objective of IKEA is to ensure that the quality norms are used in all the operations (Cachon Terwiesch, 2009). Key Issues As and when an organization develops, it has to plan and make strategies in order to deal with different opportunities and challenges. There is a necessity to develop an efficient system that is capable of producing quality services. This helps in meeting demands within the given time frame. Globalization Operation manager across world are facing competition from the companies. The companies operating overseas have to improve quality. This creates a problem for the operation manager to work on both the factors simultaneously. They have a duty to serve good products with better quality at a competitive price. The operation management process can only attain significant result if they understand the international trend of conducting business (Reid Sanders, 2010). Sustainability It is a process that helps in evaluating the longevity of a business. The three pillar of sustainability includes social, environmental and economic factors. The operating manager needs to make proper concern regarding these three pillars including the work safety of the workers, community welfare, economic and environment sustainability (Mahadevan, 2015). This is important for the manager to implement best practices into operations so that the goals can be achieved. There is a necessity to make an initiative through corrective measure by considering all the three factors into practice. Ethical Conduct Ethics play an important role in managing the organization. It is meant to ensure that the production function and activities are not damaging the customer and the society. It is important for the business to be ethical in conducting all the business practice unethical business practice followed by the business organization can damage the organization. The recently noted fraud in Wells Fargo is an example of unethical behavior. This kind of operation has a potential to damage the organization for a long run (What are the 5 Current Challenges of Operations Management? 2016). Effective Communication It is important for an organization to develop effective communication strategies at each level. The operation manager faces challenges in managing the communication in an effective way. Effective and efficient communication is one of the integral parts in an organization that is important for developing morale in order to initiate further. Operation manager need to think about different process to strengthen the overall process of communication. There is a necessity to develop the skills so that the end results can be attained in a better way. Development of the effective communication strategies will allow business organization will allow in gaining effective market position. Designing the System One of the most critical parts in operational management is designing the system. Product development includes determining the characteristics and features. This begins with the assessment of customer needs and grows into a detailed product. The information system bused need to be controlled throughout the process. The manufacturing decision related to the process is the integral part of an organization. The structural decisions need to be taken by the operations manager that has a great impact on the operations success. Product designing is a critical part that determines the characteristics of a product. It helps in determining products cost and quality. They are the important factors that help customers in making purchase decision (Operations Manaagement, 2017). The scale economy or business components that are involved in the process makes the organization workforce more effective. There is a necessity to determine whether the demand for a product is large enough to justify the mass production or if there is sufficient demand in consumer group. If the demand for a product is so small or seasonal it cannot support production facility. Responsibilities of Operation Manager Operation mange is the one who has a duty to look after all the operations. He has to evaluate all the operations based on the input from the overall objective of the organization. No process can be done without an effective business plan. There are two set of responsibilities in the hands of the operational manager. Firstly he has to make sure that the process and operations are been used efficiently and are performed at a commendable level. Secondly he has to see that the end of this process should create a path for all the activities. In case if any of the internal operation fails it is has duty to find out an effective plan to attain effective plan. Every operation manager has to make decisions related to different business operations. Hence it is important for his part to follow the changing trends in the organization. Every operation manger has certain ser of budget that he has to follow in order to gain objectives (Walters Rainbird, 2007). Conclusion The belief of the people rests with the strategic planning. The role of the operation manager should not be neglected in the competitive business environment. As the business environment is getting more challenging it is important for an individual to take effective measures t gain efficiencies. The report provides an insight into the key challenging factors and importance of Operation management in an organization. . The overall process and the use of resources are important for a business organization in creating value. References Cachon, G., Terwiesch, C. (2009).Matching supply with demand(Vol. 2). Singapore: McGraw-Hill. Heizer, R., Barry, R. (2013).Operation Management, Sustainability and Supply Chain management(Vol. 11). Pearson, UK. Hill, A., Hill, T. (2012).Operations management. Palgrave Macmillan. Krajewski, L. J., Ritzman, L. P., Malhotra, M. K. (2013).Operations management: Processes and supply chains(Vol. 1). New York: Pearson. Mahadevan, B. (2015).Operations management: Theory and practice. Pearson Education India. Operations Manaagement,(2017).Online. Retrieved from: (Accessed on: 24 May 2017) Reid, R. D., Sanders, N. R. (2010).Operations management: an integrated approach. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Russell, R. S., Taylor-Iii, B. W. (2008).Operations management along the supply chain. John Wiley Sons. Slack, N. (2015).Operations strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Sousa, R., Voss, C. A. (2008). Contingency research in operations management practices.Journal of Operations Management,26(6), 697-713. Walters, D., Rainbird, M. (2007).Strategic operations management: A value chain approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. What are the 5 Current Challenges of Operations Management?.(2016). Online. Retrieved from: (Accessed on: 24 May 2017)

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Market Screening Essay Example

Market Screening Essay For example a low level employee has a question, and asks a high level employee (Higher on scale then low level) the high level employee may have an answer that Is Incorrect; the low level employee will take that answer as the correct one Just because of the class difference. That low level employees mindset Is, If he Is higher In the company then me, he must know more than me. 3. Masculinity Femininely- How male orientated or female orientated a country is. Example 1- Canada is 52 on the scale, meaning we treat men and women fairly equal. Example 2- Sweden is 5 on the scale, meaning they treat women favorably, it is a country run by a woman, so this could affect how business is run. This dimension has a huge effect on how businesses are run because of how people treat co workers. 4. Uncertainty avoidance- This explains how many risks a country is willing to take. If they have a high uncertainty index, they are run by the book, no room to breathe no mistakes, everything is in order all the time. The opposite goes for Low index, the country is willing to take many risks in order to improve. We will write a custom essay sample on Market Screening specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Market Screening specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Market Screening specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Both of these go for how a country/business can be UN, if it is high the business will not be open to change, and if it is low the business welcomes change with open arms. 5. Long + short term orientation- This is how open a culture/business focuses on rep or status in my opinion. If a country like China has a business with the idealism of a Long term orientation they keep their employees, people stay in 1 business for a life time. In fact that business is there life that same place may own everything in an area, the company owns the schools, the cars, the hospitals, and it becomes a community. The opposite goes for countries like Culturally both countries are different from each other, and will affect management. Canada is a very Multilingualism collect so Adam will nave many smallness when trying to manage in a very group orientated fashion. Canada having a low PDP indicates that there isnt as much of a class system as Brazil being at 69, so because of this class system Adam is going to have to treat his workers differently to get the message across, maybe not as many questions being asked to workers, but Just being demanding and straight forward. In Canada there should/is a mutual respect teens managers and workers, in Brazil being higher on the PDP scale, the workers and managers respect each other; but the workers feel a bit less free around the manager, and a bit more oaf underdog. Adam comes from a very neutral masculine and feminine country, and Brazil is almost the same, so the management change from Canada to Brazil will be very neutral and wont give him many problems. Areas that have a neutral masculine and feminine country wouldnt have as many problems as a masculine dominant society or feminine dominant. When Adam first goes to Brazil to begin management, he will have problems with uncertainty because Canada is very open to change, and is happy with what they have, Canada is right in the middle for the most part. But when Adam first goes to Brazil the workers there might have a problem with him already Just from the initial change that he might implement. Brazil has a high ALAI so as Adam Joins in the workers will have to change work habits right off the bat to suit Adam to some degree. Brazil has a very long term orientation type of society. When people start a Job; the expectation is that they will pep the Job for a long time, and will have a lot of Job security. If someone is out of line and not doing what they are expected of, Adams cant Just give someone 2 weeks notice that they must leave, the idea is to keep people for a long time, and train them so they are efficient in their Job. Canada is literally the opposite, people in Canada move Jobs constantly so Adam is going to change himself to get used to this new type of culture. 3. The selection regarding hiring Adams doesnt change much because of the knowledge of international business that he has himself. Adams still has knowledge f Portuguese language, but is not anything fantastic, but he does have knowledge of English which is a primary language in business, and Spanish. So because of this Im sure that Adams will be fine in Brazil understanding main business languages. Language skills are a huge importance in the business world, and Adams has the main business languages (English, Spanish), and understanding of Portuguese, so his knowledge of the languages will be very beneficial to his management skills. The use of a translator should not be required, Adam has said that he can speak English, Spanish and understands Portuguese, so because of this understanding of languages, Adams should be able to figure things out for himself. It is understandable if there are small needs of assessment within the language barriers, but Adams knowledge of all the languages should be beneficial to putting the pieces of languages together. Spanish and Portuguese are very similar languages, so Adams should be fine. Problems that may occur with Adams language barrier is the fluency with Portuguese. He should be able to figure things out for himself, but I anticipate that there might eventually need a translator. Also with Adams managing there, he will learn over time to speak Portuguese fluently over time. 4. Brazil is one of the Burl countries. Inure are 4 Burl countries: Brazil, Ursula, IANAL, Ana Canaan. Nine Burl countries are four major countries that are major business countries with a lot of profit to be made in each of them. Brazil is one of these Brick countries, and in the last few years Brazil has had a new government which changed the trade barriers within it so more business can be dealt with. Bombardier made these decisions based on the market screening process, Brazil: Basic Needs, Demand, Legal forces, Geographical screen, competitive, and final selection. Brazil needed to answer all of these screening processes better than average. Basic needs of Brazil- Brazil is in need of industrial corporations and is growing all the time, the CIA fact book shows the amount of Labor force by occupation: Agriculture: 20% Industries: 14% services: Brazil is growing constantly and the more companies like Bombardier making Brazil a host country is making more profit themselves, and also pushing Brazil closer to a fully developed country with more services instead of Agricultural Jobs. More Jobs is utter for Brazil and the labor cost is lower than in the US, so Bombardier makes more profits. Economic/Financial- Compared to other countries, Brazil has a low inflation rate of 4. 2%, This is very low even for a Brick country, Russia for instance has 1 1. % inflation rate, so Brazil is great to go into in that regard. The exchange rates arent bad as well Exchange rates: Real (BRB) per US dollar 2. 0322 (2009), a bit high but can work with it. Legal + Political- Brazil is a Federal republic a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or rovings) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their governmental representatives. This allows trade agreements and trade barriers to be lowered and allow more things to go through. The entry barriers are small; most things go through now that there is a new government. With the new government, people in smaller towns vote for their own government, and they have a choice. So the government is stable if the people are happy. Coloratura- Brazil is a very time oriented society for the most part regarding life in a business. People in Brazil focus on staying somewhere for a long time, so the culture would be similar to the business world. Cultures are based on time, older cultures stay with the community rather than new cultures being created and put into play. Brazil is a great culture to get into with a multi conglomerate like Bombardier, because it is a Brick country but the culture would accept something that may increase Jobs and value of the community/country. Competition- Competition within Brazil is not much for Bombardier, Brazil has services and industries but Bombardier does so many different things, Jet skies, boats, and makes a huge market hat is hard to compete with. Industries within Brazil are: textiles, shoes, chemicals, cement, lumber, iron ore, tin, steel, aircraft, motor vehicles and parts, other machinery and equipment. Given all of the other businesses in Brazil it gives an outline of what competition Bombardier will have, and given a quick look these businesses dont focus on the same things, so Brazil is open to a organization like this. Final Selection- Brazil passes all of the screening processes with flying colors, lots of labor cheaper than the US, not much competition, very cultural so the sooner Bombardier gets Into Brazil ten Taster people would Jolt Ana ten longer people would be there. Brazil is in need of more services and industries so having new factory building/selling bombardier products will give Jobs and increase Braziers rep having a huge organization there. Brazil has a new political system and a new government, making it cheaper and more effective moving in Brazil then other Brick countries. Brazil would be a fantastic new market for Bombardier to move into because of how well it passes the market screening, it is a great place to make an amazing profit and to expand into a host country.